You just found Your-whole-body-revitalizer massage in Bucharest… Perfect tailored on request, focused on refresh-relax-recharge massage, stress & pain free massages…For each & every time may be a revitalize-rejuvenate-regenerate-energize massage, healing therapies or health improving massage treatments. Respecting your needs by officially certified experienced professional massage therapists a 7* amazing massage experience, from our 21+ years of activity…
Your whole body revitalizer massage Bucharest… Specialized in delivering miraculous health results in the shortest time! 
Discover the ease of movement, energy flowing through your whole Body, book an Energy boost massage session as Your whole body revitalizer massage Bucharest, an Oasis for an oriental body-mind-relaxation massage and soul-spirit elevation …
When you can benefit most from our SanHiRa therapeutic professional massage?
After a long flight the Jet-Lag is pretty annoying… That is exactly when our Jet Lag Removal Massage you can benefit most! Even intensive travelling with many flights in a short time interval can cause Sleeping Disorders. If just landed in Bucharest, consider us your partner in restoring your Sleeping, even improving your Health, benefit from an app. at SanHiRa, energy healing massage Bucharest ,Your whole body revitalizer: 7* + for an amazing massage experience, from our 21+ years of activity.
You’ll find how is to be fully energized, how is dissolved all sorts of pains, neck pains, backpains, sore palms and shoulders pains, cramps & misalignments, headaches, migraines, jaw & ears pains, soles & feet pains,) from your all subtle bodies ( the physical body,, the mental body, the emotional body and the causal body) and Infuse your whole subtle energy bodies with light , serenity and harmony. Most important: & beyond and above all, find out how Mind quiets…
Find yourself peaceful, serene, crystal-clear vision & focused during and mainly after the each one and every one of Bucharest massages-your-whole-body-revitalizer at SanHiRa energy healing massage Bucharest center…
Life flows Beautifully through your Body, Renew, Replenished, Recharged.
Feeling as well …l being as well, as ever desired…true well-being that lasts…
That’s what you get after one Massage Session of 90 minutes: an Harmonious mix of Massage Techniques:
Swedish aromatherapy massage, rejuvenate with Dien-Cham ozone facial Vietnamese reflexology, also 
Foot Reflexology and Hand Reflexology,

Warm Stones Oriental Luscious Aromatherapy Massage,
Thai Massage ( Wat Po Traditional massage School, Bangkok, Thailand)
We ‘re using the best of Shea Butter, Argan, Jojoba and Coconut oils from sunny Morocco or Brasil, as well as for aromatherapy only pure Swiss Essential Oils!
Your Bucharest’s massage revitalizer, an oasis for an oriental body, soul and mind Relaxation…
Appointments: 11,30- 20,30, Mo-Sun, appointments only by phone 004-0745074839. Recommended with more than 30 min before your arrival time… When possible, with one day before appointment being better.
Extraodinary massages: Sanhira Massage Center: 23A, Balcescu Nicolae Boulevard, District 1, Bucharest
Happy to be at service for the ones trusting us!
For You, the-whole-body-revitalizer tonic massage in Bucharest!
57 replies on “Your Whole Body Revitalizer!”
What a special experience. I love massages, but this is so much more. Days after the massage I still felt all kinds of changes happening in my body. I can not describe it.
I feel so energetic, I still need to change a lot of general things in my life, but that will take a while. Best choice ever and when I’m back in Buckarest I will definitely visit Daniela for a second session.
There is so much more inlife where we are not aware off
Thank you Daniela
In one longer session, Daniela fixed the problems with my sinuses, with my lower back and increased the level of my energy. Remarkable and recommended!
I highly recommend Daniela to bring you one of the most amazing experience of body awareness of your life.
Interact with special spiritual vibrational techniques in massage by using special sound therapy to bring you and your body and mind in perfect harmony.
An Experience
This is not only a massage,
she makes you a magic that can change your life
a must try it .
Amazing proffesional! she just put her hands on you and she knows everything about all your problem and after this, how she take care of all:… bliss
Call her now ……
I do recommend the Sanhira massages.. it’s not just a massage, it’s a total well-being experience. You just need to relax, sit back, believe and enjoy the kind, warm hands. You will get more than a massage, you will get a wake up call of your daily habits and practices, you will taste bit by bit a different way of doing things and taking care of yourself, loving yourself. Restore yourself and give a try! You won’t regret it and just want to go back again.
I just got back from Bucharest, I was planning on seeing you but this time my boss came and it was 14 hours of work a day. Silver & gold coloidal water I still have taken almost every day since all the moving home to home. I have Reunion on Sunday at my house.
I will be there again in august and will make sure to see you!!
I had a shift in my belief about the so called “normal” asymetry of the body by an coincidence meeting SanHiRa. I had an Facial Energy Meridian treatment, I can call it REJUVENATION! My eyes, my nose , the whole face looks more …ME, like I had an face-lift!!!
Beyond tiredeness dissapeared, my vision became sharper, my body is so flexible as I not even just dreamed it can be. It also feels like I inhale more air, like my nose became unblocked, the fogginess when learning dissapeared, I became more optimistic and above all, to my great surprise, I received a special crystal , named Super7. how cool is this!?! It is an Universal law of ;-)) Coincidence here, as just discovered my crystal seemed dissapeard this morning. I looked everywhere. Well, now I received an amazing treatment and an extraordinary gift, the Super7 crystall.
Mrs. SanHiRa made my day and changed my perception about so many things!
I found so many answers and so many healthy tips for healthy hair, nails and skin, Thank you so much.
I was looking for all this from so long time, even if unconsciously! It is so good to meet people who gives you such a good vibe . This is creating a ripple effect and I keep this vibe , I smiled the whole day, I made everybody smile. I keep thinking & thanking to the “Fairy with Crystalls in her purse” I’ve met today.
Confirming for tomorrow 11am for two hour healing session! I feel great today. If we need to do longer tomorrow to make sure you get everything that would be ok too. I forgot to have you look at my right shoulder and left side of neck but my lower back feels great today!!!! Love you you were right!! ?
Daniela is the best! I came to her after 15 hours sitting on a plane. I was sore all over. Daniela not only helped my back and spine but also cleared my sinus’ from all that stale air in the plane. This was a truly amazing spiritual experience. Namaste!
o atingere magica si puternic pozitiva care m-a aliniat pentru mult timp
…”A magical and intenselly positive touch alligned me after a long time”
I found out about SanHiRa when I was searching google for alternative, spiritual ways to help myself from the mess my soul was in…I didn’t go to her right away because I am suspicious by nature and I had to find out other people:s opinion. I’ve read lots of good comments but still wasn’t too convinced.
I couldn’t believe that my problem of the soul and my tired body could be helped so much in this way. Until… I finally decided to try at SanHiRa Holistic Massage Center Bucharest.
Like my last hope. Because I”ve tried also soooo many other therapies! And it didn’t work. 🙁
It was wonderful. Like nothing else I’ve ever experienced before, so intense, so joyful.
The advices I’ve got, the feeling of warmth for the entire time I spent there, total relaxation that lasted long after I took the session. I absorbed as much information and good vibes as I could and tried to make it a way of life. A way to reconnect with my source ( n. n.: of energy! ).
I’m determined to try and will continue to visit this wonderful Spiritual Guide again.
Thank you so much Daniela SanHiRa!!!
Apr 11 at 5:45 PM
After my first trip in SanHiRa’s care, like floating across the Indian Ocean, then floating out -with ALL my senses stimulated, I just had to try again…
New trip. Another Cosmos.
Again, a peace of mind and ease of body I’ve been trying loong to achieve.
Do yourself a favour. Go there and enjoy.
Eric. (The Norwegian).
After the treatment I reached a high relaxed state ! I must say that the experience was above expectations .
Thank you !
Hello…I read only good things about you..I am very interested in your services…I tried to call your number but is out of order…We need three girls for the new year s eve party…do you think you can help us….please respond asap…you are our first choice…
Haaaaappy New YOU!
I guess, you all had a great cellebration.
For next time, you should ask in advance with more than 3 days….
Once again a visit to Daniella was superb. She knows your body better than you do yourself. It is as if she transfers her boundless optimism through her hands into your very core being. You will leave feeling that all is well with the world. Take time to talk to her and give yourself over to her spiritual lead taking time to enjoy the journey. I will be back.
In the space of 4 weeks I visited 5 times, representing Sessions of at least two hours, each time receiving Reiki.
A combination of this energy medicine techniques used by SanHiRa: Biotherapy, Chackra’s cleansing, energising and rebalancing, Shifting and realignment of the Assemblage Point, and other herbal products that were recommended left me feeling more energetic, positive and especially healed.
AS I was knowing, The Assemblage Point is “The Point of the Change of Life”, as Shamans name it and I can state NOW: It”s TRUE!
I cannot give enough thanks, especially as it came at the right time for me. For many years I was looking for this issues to be solved.
I think events “conspired” to put me in Romania at this time. If I can manage to return for more treatment I definitely will do.
Thank you again for all the help you gave me and the healing received, which has been of great help help these last few days.
(“the Faulkland War” soldier, 😉
An amazing massage with Daneila. Daniela is such a positive person you can only walk away happy. Thank you so much.
FROM:gerasimos vergotis TO: daniela Sanhira, Message flagged Monday, 26 February 2007, 9:32
Kalimera, D!
Thank you for your way of treating me, but most of all for caring … My flu disapeared! I feel better this morning, and I feel I owe it to you. I am quite stressed as I am behind schedule, but I believe I can be more focused today and I will be able to make progress on most PROJECTS!
Love indeed should come first, and this is how I started my day today … Healthy, Happy!…. Lovelly!
Iti doresc o zi frumoasa, plina de …Multumiri!
Gerasimos Vergotis
Dear Daniela,
We met at Arkutino last week and it was a fortunate encounter indeed. Meeting you was inspiring and soul-elevating, while at the same time the massage instilled a sensation of lighness and carelessness in my body. I hope you are doing great and I am writing this email to express my gratitude to you. Is there any way to stay in touch apart from your website? Facebook, email, etc? I have some photos that you might like 🙂
All the best and Namaste,
What a great Joy, Alexander, to read your lines! Amazing is how all Universe conspired to make this happening, you to receive this Gift. And many more will come. Just believing in Miracles, this is arriving in your life;-))
Yes,I’ve sent you an reply from my personal address. I’ d love to see the pictures taken by your friends. That’s another surprise, apart from the beautiful way you expressed your gratitude!
As I’ve just told you all, all of you was such a beautiful group, it seemed to me you are like brothers and sisters.
Hoping you all had a great time and an amazing Holiday, it will be great to stay in touch with you. For facebook, you have to wait a little bit, I’m working at the profile for SanHiRa, in few days I’ll let you know.
and You can call me at 0040745 07 48 39.
MiRacles and Joooy in your Life!
Daniela Sanhira
Dupa o lunga cautare interioara am ajuns sa simt cu adevarat cine sunt, care e scopul vietii mele si totodata sa simt ca nimic nu imi mai lipseste ca sa fiu cu adevarat fericit.Timp de multi ani am trait doar in mintea mea plina de ganduri coplesitoare , desi stiam ca eu sunt mai mult decat aceasta minte si ca viata inseaman bucurie , pur si simplu ego-ul si mintea mea ma controlau .Am practicat timp de 5 ani mediatatii Zen. Astfel reuseam sa linistesc intr-un fel sufletul de atatea ganduri negative care ma imbolnaveau.
Dar si asa meditand de 2 ori pe zi parca nu era destul ca sa simt bucurie in viata mea .Am incercat tot felul de cai alternative de la droguri, alcohool, antidepresive, pastile de somn si pana la rugaciuni si meditatii . Dorinta era mare dar bagajul pe care il acumulasem de-a cursul anilor cu tot felul de experiente care mai de care mai traumatizante ma marcase profund.
Dupa intalnirea cu Daniela o fiinta plina de lumina si bucurie , simt ca AM RENASCUT in mintea mea e liniste, nu mai regret trecutul si nu imi mai e frica de viitor, iar prezentul… PREZENTUL e fantastic . Am reusit sa scapt de orice dependenta , pot dormi noaptea fara ajutorul diferitelor substante, ma trezesc diminteaza foarte plin de viatza si cu bucuria de a incepe o noua zi. Pe langa toate aceste sentimente imi simt corpul vindecat de toate bolile fara dureri fara oboseala .
Multumesc Multumesc Multumesc Sanhira .
Feels so good to be in complete harmony with your body and your mind in the same time.I have no questions regarding myself that I need answers at.All I have to do is listen to the voice inside me and I know it would be Ok.I feel I have everything because I’ve found the way to myself.My body feels so relaxed,nights become so peaceful,I can sleep nights and wake up in the morning so fresh and ready for a new day. And most of all,I’m not in a hurry anymore.Feels like I can take all the time I want to do everything I wanna do.
I’ve had problems comunication before,found it so dificult when I had to talk and now the words just come.and the the results.I think I have everything I wanted and I’m learning to apreciate life more than ever and I realise that everything we have is a gift.And we should enjoy it.Soo happy I came to you,never thought that couple of hours can change my life in such way.The way I always wanted..
Ma simt mult mai constienta de locul in care ma aflu mai mult ca niciodata.Si inainte eram constienta dar doar de loc,ca spatiu,nu si de mine,ca corp.Parca nu eram acolo.Nu imi simteam corpul miscandu-se o data cu mine,eram doar un gand iar corpul meu o imagine pe care o vedeam in oglinda ori de cate ori ma intorceam acasa sau imi vedeam chipul reflectat intr-o vitrina.
Uneori ramaneam asa de mirata de ceea ce vedeam si ma intrebam : cine sunt eu ? Ce vreau de fapt ? Imi era foarte greu sa ma familiarizez cu mine insumi,sa ma identific cu mine insumi si uneori imi trebuiau ore in sir in fata oglinzii pana reuseam sa iau o figura care sa se adapteze cat de cat cu gandurile mele.
Am inceput si incep sa fiu mai sigura de lumea in care ma aflu,de ceea ce se petrece in jurul meu si nici nu trebuie sa ma chinui pentru asta.Nu trebuie sa fac nici un efort.Aveam probleme de comunicare din cauza faptului ca mereu am fost o fire emotiva in copilarie iar cand trebuia sa vorbesc in public sau cu cineva anume simteam necesar sa-mi aleg cuvintele si asa si faceam si am facut mult timp.Acum nu mai fac nici un efort cand trebuie sa vorbesc.Cuvintele curg cu usurinta.Iar apoi si rezultatele.Mi-am dat seama ca nu este de ajuns doar sa gandesti.La fel de important este sa te si recunosti.Sa recunosti persoana din tine ca ”tu”.
Am stiut ca am niste probleme dar nu stiam cum sa le rezolv sau cu ce sa incep.Pentru ca erau prea multe.Acum ma simt capabila sa lupt cu toate.Si stiu ca in final ( ales de mine) va fi bine.
Si inainte stiam ceea ce vreau dar atunci stiiam doar ceea ce vreau si incercam sa obtin ceea ce vroiam.Acum stiu ceea ce vreau,stiu ca pot sa obtin si sunt constienta de asta.
Este foarte dificil totusi sa descriu aceste stari care imi dau o stare totala de comfort si siguranta prin lucrurile pe care le fac clipa de clipa.
”Este ca si cum o noua viata bate la usa si trebuie sa ma pregatesc sa-i deschid”
Te pup si vorbim !
“I have used Daniela’s service and felt great.. She has a wealth of knowledge into holistic healing and after one session my shoulder who was in pain often after a 12 year old injury I could not feel any pain. And that was only after one session! She was perceptive to lots of issues I was having without me saying anything about them. Cannot wait to use her services again – since the medical profession can only do so much – Daniela’s expertise of healing goes much further and I recommend her services to anyone seeking to improve their health, well being, cleanse and purify the body of issues you are not even aware you have them – but your luck and outcome of life will surely start changing after multiple sessions at Sanhira! That I can guarantee!” May 15, 2012
Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert
1st Marcel Cicort
hired Daniela as a Personal Healing in 2011
Thank you! It was by far the best holistic massage I ever had. You are such a gifted holistic practitioner! Since my visit, I feel different, like never before, so relaxed, so serene. I can not describe it… feel like a huge heavy bag was lifted off of me. Same thing with my husband. We are both feeling great. We will be back!
Dallas, TX
Now I like a lot the Hot Stones Massage, It’s perfect for “changing the seasons”s” time. My back is so flexible! U was right, it’s a Miracle! Keep doing Miracles, SanHiRA!
See u on next monday, 13,30. Pls. confirm by
sms or give alternatives for Mo 7.11 or Tue,8.11.Prefferably mornings, 9,30/ 10.00 Thx, Flannigan J.
Meeting you was very helpful. Thanks for sharing your time and experience with me, my neck doesn’t hurt, I feel fantastic, Namaste!
like all the others I had a great treatment at your center. So much more than just massage. I really loved it and will for sure come back when I am in Bucharest.
Could you for now give me your e-mail, or mail me, so I can give you some feedback after the healing.
Heeeello, Vicky,
I am so happy to see your message, just in this days i
I was thinking at you…
I do appreciate your time and it means a lot for me. I’d love to be “in touch”,
I’m feeling great, just being as I am, making people smile,
I just hope you’re one of those laughing every time remembering your “flexi-yoga session” at SaaanHiiiRaaaa. My congrats to you and your Hatha Yoga Master! I wish many like you to arrive here….
Daniela SaaaanHiiiRaaaa
Heeeeeellooooo, Vicky,
Amazing is the name I could give to your Essay, I’m so Happy to see how much someone can benefit from the Gifts we share with people alloveraround the Earth, and they make major changes in their lifes.
I’m so thankfull for this accurate feedback that filled my heart with Joy, my eyes with tears and … I stayed silent for a loong time, I was out of time, like you on that matress. For sure many significant changes, Happy transformations you’ll do for the beloved ones next to you, Beautiful Queen, Amazing Mom of 2 Angels.
Our massages, our work is to remember the Greatness of our being here on the Planet Earth as we are meant to Live in Happiness, Love and Gratitude for all the Gifts we received just when we arrived in theese bodies. You’re so true, when someone is resetting the Harmony inside the body, all we benefit, we are all One! And this is contributing for Mother Earth to be healed, and have a Happy Rite of Passage in Her/ our Re-Birth!
I found the Perfect moment to post your feedback here, just one week before the Great Perfect Day;-)), 11.11.2011.
Look here:
In Lak’Esh!
Many, many thanks, Ladies!
My appreciation for your work at Sanhira goes beyond this lines and words… I discovered many years ago the magic theese pairs of hands and I still wonder how always each massage is exactly what I need. No scanners, no tests, and they know exactly what is to be done.
But today I noticed how great I feel at work in the days I make the appointment for massage at the beginning of the day, lol! When having the massage in that place for sure is an extraordinary event for me. And I have as bonus the good mood of waiting to be there, wooow! I reccomend, mainly in the last days before going to holliday, looool! Helps a lot a 2 hours massage break( instead of a lunch break!)
Fillipe, Lisboa
Hi, thank you, it was fantastic, now I feel Great ! Whatsoever technique you combined, it works for me, I’m so flexible and relaxed, I’m aslo extremely interested in that breathing technique. Please, can you let me know exactly when you host your seminars. I would like to take part at some of them. Thank you very much.
Joel ( Swiss)
Enjoyed this, very good, regards .
Judging by the reviews you run a very professional massage center. Will definitely come to you for a session as I will in Bucharest. The site is very much useful information on massage techniques. Thank you. Pierre, Russia
it is open 10.00 tomorrow?
Hi there would love to send you the pictures I took of you so email me and I will do so. Hope you are well.
Christine, sorry for delay in aswering, Hope to have your understanding… thanks in advance for the pictures… Joooy Love and Gratitude! My best wishes for You, Kiss the London Sun for me, 😉
Super Massage! I’m loving it!! Will come back again…. Meanwhile, I’m loving working, I feel better, my life’s GREEEEEAT! Many thANKS, Ladies! I’ll remember,next time, to take the belgian truffles;-)) as I promissed… I’m sooo glad I choosed you, Congratulations, keep working!
some truly nice and useful info on this web site , too I believe the style contains wonderful features.
what are your rates please
hi, i will be visiting bucharest this week.
i am a massage therapist here in the states and love receiving massage.
what are your rates for 60, 90 and 120 minute sessions?
Hi, Charlie,
Welcome in Bucharest!
We’ll be honoured to have you here, the rates for 60 min is 47 eu, for 90 mins is 71 eu, for 120 mins is 94 min.
When do you want to be here, approximativelly? You’d better call in advance with 30 min.
See you,
SanHiRaaaa Team
sei super! bellissima, ti amoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Greatings, ЎGracias! Ahora me irй en este blog cada dнa!
Hola, Me gustó! Me amaba, que son muy claras.Tan clara y positiva.
Muchas, muchas gracias, Senora !
I was out of time during you r beautiful and most relaxing massage. For sure, I will return when I am back in ucharest. Eszter from HUngary
Hallo Daniela
Es war fantastisch, habe noch nie so eine gute Massage bekommen! Ich komme bestimmt wieder! Kann ich kaum erwarten! Du bist einzigartig! 🙂 Bussi, Krisztina ( aus Österreich)
Hallo, Krisztina
Wunderbare Nachrichten, gut fuer eine neue Arbeitswoche!
Erfreut mich dass nach 3 Tagen, immer noch die Wirkung der Massage du hast geniessen, ins dieses Message zu sehen. Dass kann von spielen am die Tibetische Schüssel und Hathor’s Schale sein? Ich traeume am dieses Tag, noch ein Mal die beiden zu sehen…
Die Photos, hat es dir gefallen?
Bussi, bussi,
ЎGracias! Ahora me irй en este blog cada dнa!
Hallo, von Wien,
Vielen Dank, war stark,gut. Meinen, war gut für meinen Rücken, sehr gut gemacht, Gruesse Karmina!
Dear Sanhira’s Team,
For the first time in the last 14 years, I slept so good, also tonight! Yesterday night I falled asleep before taking my daily Valium pill, I woke up feeling so smooth, having a good approach at my meetings, wow! After the long flyghts as now, at least 72 hours was needed to be in such a good shape( but using Valium…)!
When stepping on my back, I wanted to stop her, but she’s really knowing what’s to be done… well done.
Thanks to Lori, magic hands!
Andres ( Las Vegas)
For your time, Jan, many thanks!
Also for me was a challenge to guide somebody who’s already guiding and healing others, mainly because you use a wellknown
method ( Feldenkrais). I’m more than glad it was possible such an experience, that helped me improve this method, an heritage from my grandma…
Can we postpone the tomorow appointment (as I’ll be in Cluj) till monday, same hour?
Till now I didn’t used the mix of essential oils you prepared, if sleeping disorders, that will be helpfull, many thanks Dania, for what you’re doing there!
Many thans, in advance
Best regards,
Dear Adnana,
The BEST, total 100% whole holistic expirience, combined with Thai massage, I ever in my 50 years life have had.
I can give then very clean a nice place a 5 stars, but can be difficult to find , since ther eis no signs, but I manege to find it. IT IS WORTH IT!
Kind regards, Jan ( from Denmark)
I’m so glad it was so good for you! Your will and trust( You!) contributed at this experience. What you had from this always will be yours.
Miracles just happens,
Till next time and next level, daily Happines I wish to you!
Be happy, fit, be Joy!
I’m so thankful for this lines, I really appreciate it!
I do believe in Miracles,
I have experienced many different techniques of massage in many places in the world, but no massage has been as memorable and healing as your touch, Daniela. In one extended session under your guidance, I reached a level of contentment I didn’t think possible. I regret that my very limited time in Bucharest allowed for only one, magical experience, but I will certainly be back for more. -E