21y + Experience in full body massages, Energy Healings, Holistic Health
You are more than welcomed to Contact/ Appointment for Your Wellbeing Oasis SanHiRa Energy Healing Massage Center. Bucharest,, As always Experience a Memorable Special Treatment or choose one of our 7 stars Massage Services, feel as a star!
Once settled your Sessions available only by booking Contact/ Appointment at +40745 07 48 39, enjoy a delicious tea, while acomodate, prepare for your “Journey inside our Wellbeing Oasis”.
Recommended: Contact/ Appointment already confirmed to arrive with 10 min before your appointment for Your Whole Body Revitalizer
- New Location (* Zepter building ) 70, Unirii Blvd, Bloc J4, Scara 3, District 3, Bucharest
- 23A, Balcescu Nicolae Boulevard, District 1, Bucharest,
- Working hours:
- Monday -Sunday. : 13,30- 21,30, last session start at 20,30.
Your Professional Massage Therapist in Bucharest, 21+ years of experience.
Take some time for yourself to be treated right
Many thanks for trusting us and our 21+ years of Massage Experience!
Special rates in case of a couple of treatments/ massage sessions. Specials for You or for Your beloved is best to be discussed in advance, Let us know more details, use Contact/ Appointment. Than, just enjoy your pampering massage or Special Treatment session!
We Respect every person’s time and intimacy. We prepare a warm atmosphere and enough comfortable towels for you.
Confirmation with one day before your Contact/ Appointment welcomed!
For special inquiries and requests, Contact/ Appointment apart this program. Also we can discuss for another locations, in extraordinary situations. Feel free to use Contact/ Appointment form for any session follow-up. We can discuss upon how we can be at any help for you at any time, even apart working hours.!
You can also e-mail us using the Contact/ Appointment form, “Leave a Reply” box and “Add Comment” from each page. We reply in maximum 4 hours.
We love to know how was your experience. Your Comments, reccomendations and testimonials inspires us. And soon you;ll discover new services wich suits you best.
Our Heartfelt Thank You for for filling in the Contact/ Appointment or Testimonials forms . SomeBody benefits from what you share to others!,
9 replies on “Contact/Appointment”
Over the Ocean Greetings! 3 Mar at 3:58 PM
Nick Staicu
Daniela P.
Message body
Cheers from Canada! I am Miki – The Tall!
as you said, many transformations are happening. And, beyond thinking, all of them are good.
After the treatment session had at SanHiRa Center I had a kind of special week:
-I choose more consciouslly what I eat ( and much less meat), I feel I already lost some weight( like 5 kilos!);
– even if I am an incurably optimist, I actually became more optimist;
-I realized I sent constant that inner peace feeling( love, that pink cloud) to many more people and I had confirmation it was received. The tensions with which these meetings were “decorated” simply did not show up, much difference in the results of the talks, much more effective. Brilliant!
-I had more sex than usual (even surprising partner’s initiatives)
-I found (Free of charge from the public library) an audio course (from 2014) by Tony Robbins (18 CDs usually costs a lot)
-The tensions with which ‘theese’ bussiness meetings were “decorated” simply did not show up, much difference in the results of the talks, much more effective. Brilliant!
-I had more sex than usual (even surprising, my partner’s initiatives)
*An interesting thing: When I got home, I noticed that the barbecue behind the house lacked the cover; I find it extremely unlikely to have been taken by the wind, it was well connected (it has a kind of hedgehog at the bottom); I was not really happy about this and I even looked at the store for a new one ($ 60 + taxes, that’s a lot). And – surprise – over 2 days I found in my backyard the packed pouch and thrown over the fence (in the yard). Wow!
-* I made the symbol (ankh type) with the 7 movements almost every day.
* From time to time, I took the abdominal breathing from the HorseBackrider’s position.
* In the airplane I did (what I remembered) that thing with the heart chakra, with my right hand on top.
As I said, I do not know what you did, for I apparently just had a discussion, cleared my 9 chackras ,massage on the face (and I felt this in the whole body!), unblocked my nose and sinuses, you convinced me to and I washed my sinuses with salted water, you stepped over my back barefoot, streched my back and whatever did you do with your hands when you did not touch me (but I felt how it cleansed inside the body Something from different places, very nice! Maybe it was Reiki, something with energy work?), But I feel all is so beneficial.
I think about you and with gratitude – for the above but also for all the exercises reccemmended and learned together, and I think with a little feeling of love for all and the Universe, all beings (!) … comes from the heart chakra, Of course 🙂
This meeting will remain very special to me, I am on the wave of transformations of all kinds; Professional, emotional, and especially energetic. Fantastic I feel!
I am thankful to you from the depths of my heart,
Reverence, goddess,
Adina Cicort (client)
Adina hired you as a Alternative Therapies in 2011 and hired you more than once
Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, Creative
“Daniela has unique qualities and tones of certifications in alternative therapies and holistic massage, and I recommend her services to anyone who is preoccupied with maintaining an excellent state of health.” August 19, 2012
Ceau, Daniela,
I swam for the first time so like a man YESTERDAY, after 12 years since I sprained my shoulder
That shoulder was replaced, resolved by you !!!
for 12 years I was swimming like women…. Because of the dislocated shoulder from time to time .. I mean getting out of place ( tremendous hurt!!!) and had a constant pain over time and …
Remember, that you’ve done for me, in October! And keep doing, you are so good! I’m sooooooo Haaappy!
Thanks God, You are as you are! Thanks again!
Marcel Cicort has recommended you on LinkedIn
Marcel Cicort Contract Recruiter, Corporate Recruiter, Professional Recruiter, Technical Recruiter, International Recruiter
To: Daniela Plapamaru
Date: May 14, 2012
Marcel Cicort has recommended your work as General Manager at Sanhira Holistic Massage Center.
This recommendation is visible in your profile.
Dear Daniela,
I’ve written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users.
Details of the Recommendation: “I have used Daniela’s service and felt great.. She has a wealth of knowledge into holistic healing and after one session my shoulder who was in pain often after a 12 year old injury I could not feel any pain. And that was only after one session! She was perceptive to lots of issues I was having without me saying anything about them. Cannot wait to use her services again – since the medical profession can only do so much – Daniela’s expertise of healing goes much further and I recommend her services to anyone seeking to improve their health, well being, cleanse and purify the body of issues you are not even aware you have them – but your luck and outcome of life will surely start changing after multiple sessions at Sanhira! That I can guarantee!”
Service Category: Personal Healing
Year first hired: 2011
Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert
2011/07/26 at 4:21 am
“The One” in your life to remember, that was my massage in SaaaanHiiiiiRaaaaaaa’s Land… Absolutely: Magic! Changed my approach, everything turned into amazing solutions, never before thought as possible. Two months already from my “Deep tissue massage”. Which was the most uncommon I ever had, nothing else before like this. I have to admit: Lady you was right: we are bringing Miracles in our lifes!
Back, for the next step in the “Journey of Miracles” which is our Life.
My Grattitude, from the Heart.
Please note my appointment next Thursday, at 14,30.
Thank You,
Houston, “Blonde”
2011/07/14 at 5:14 pm
Extrem gut gemacht
2011/06/17 at 12:12 pm
Wow! Thank you!
I often wanted to have such massage like that I just had wednesday. Its so different from everything I ever had around the world. it meant a lot whatever “magic” C. did. I was in pieces, after workin at computer, flying, delayed flyights, destroyed. I’m amazed by the difference. I”m so gratefull for the “Gift”, My compliments, Ladies, from all my heart!
Can you make a Sanhira Massage Center in Benelux? Many of my friends wants some abonaments already, do something here, )
Sixta Touchet
2011/06/17 at 9:27 am
What a massage! I’m so happy I discovered you! I love myself more, I feel sooo good! What a concept ! Lovely .. Awesome
2011/06/15 at 5:43 pm
Great! I just looked for a good massage in Bucharest, without all “the extra’s” and wished to say: I have really enjoyed surfing around your pages. After such a massage, all what I discovered about me: I need lots of massages like this!
prepare my abonament, next Thursday I’ll be back, please note my booking for 2,30
My best regards, see you again soon!
C.C.L. ( Bruxelles)