Crystal Sound Healing

During the Crystal Sound Healing you experience the effects of the ancient chant UT-RE-MI-FA-SOL-LA used to heal. This can be played now at the Holographic Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl.
in an amazing Concert of the Tibetan and Holographic CRYSTAL SINGING Bowls you can benefit in many ways, dissolving stress,health improving,raising your energy, harmonise & heal. 
The sacred frequencies were wisely chosen by our ancestors for Spiritual Healing Purposes, like :
UT-396HZ- Liberating Guilt and Fear;
RE-417Hz-Undoing situations and facilitating Change;
MI-528HZ-Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair!!!!) This sound of the Heart Chakra, That’s the Miracle!
FA-639Hz-Connecting/ Relationships  (the ship for the relations, the one who runs, turns, transforms the relationships)
In this hectic Bucharest instead of hear just noises benefit from energy detox & soothe forget the stress with healing sounds.
Concerto may be a good beginning for restoring your health.
a new journey of transformative  events.
starts with  a sacred sound.
Expect Miracles!
For purchasing your Entrance Crystal Key, Teas at your choice from our “Oriental Journey” menu list, for reservations and details:
Sanhira Massage Center launches this Event Concerto series, starting with 6. p.m., in the first week of each month of this be Loved and Magic Times, starting with december 2013!
In Lak’ esh!

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