This Deep Tissue massage session at SanHiRa energy healing massage center Bucharest we designed to relieve severe tensions from the muscles and the connective tissues or fascia. When needed, our massage focus on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles. Deep Tissue Massage helps also after too many hours of flying, driving or sitting in front of the computer… May be needed also for those who are involved in heavy physical activity, such as athletes, dancers, or just after a football playing, an extended ski vacation, or after a long brake from the gym, when you pray for the fitness instructor to stop counting…
Contact/ Appointment us and during the Deep Tissue Massage session we are using a dedicated set of techniques and strokes to achieve the total pain relief.
We know, you’ll be tempted to ask for a “strong one”, just to make sure during this Deep Tissue Massage session you’ll get rid of the pain. From our experience, this may be too much. Are you ready for a new muscle ache, lasting for a day or two? It is also not uncommon for receivers of Deep Tissue Massage to have such “experiences”. And our advice is to allow us to work at our best.
Your office work will be more efficient after “our work”! You’re here just for doing nothing but enjoying your massage. And to want a different one more from our Massage Services, Crystal singing Bowls Healing Sounds or opt more beneficial health results ( breath better, sleep improved ) with one from the Special Treatments
Deep Tissue massage bodywork varies greatly. What one calls deep, another will call it light. When receiving this type of sessions it is important to communicate what you feel. We use our intuition and 21+ years experience to sense where and how to work on your body to hear just the mumbling sounds like: “mmmmm!” and see your smiles. We care and understand what we have to do for your wellbeing!
A 60 minutes session- 47 Euros
We are doing our best for receivers of the deep tissue massage from our Massage Services to have their pain dissolved and leave from here like flying…
One reply on “Deep Tissue”
I feel FANTASTIC, again! Came back in Bucharest and wanted to find out why last time I felt so good. Carmina,”the girl with 100 hands” it’s true, a real person with magic hands! Or she’s knowing such a technique wich I never had before? For sure, I’m amazed! The tension from several flyights in just 3 days is gone, I just fell like reborn.
My compliments to you, Ladies, great job you’re doing there!
Special mix of skills, kindness and positive approach: “Formula 1 in the Massage world” I ever met.
My friend from London, Christian will be my guest in the Japanese restaurant from Dubai Madeina, for recommending me this “must go in Bucharest” ;-))
I wish all my beloved to have some time inside your place, I just felt… PERFECT!!!
Thank you!
Ash ( Dubai)