This massage session of Rejuvenating & Re-birth can be an life-changing event.?
Say “yes” if you are ready for this, let’s align your hara line and reposition your energetic center of the bioelectromagnetic field.
Allow me to guide your body to align and auto-heal using our innate Inner Doctor, at the Quantum level. Allow me to start the process along your spine.
What actually is an Life Changing Touch? And how you know this is exactly what you’re looking for?
When this title intrigued you enough to ask yourself all the above, then You arrived exactly in that point in your life when the change/ transformation you dreamed at for so long is possible, natural and enjoyable. Let’s set up an appointment for you to discover the benefits of working together. After this session you will notice the shift in many areas in your life: physical health and increased vitality,, mental clarity and focus, emotional balance and harmony and even the magnetism increases and you’ll notice how your social life and networking go with the flow.
“When your mind is silent, your Heart is filled with Joy, your body will fly!”
We take care, this to happen during your massage session! Inside you Miracles are happening and that’s just the beginning of your Journey, your Energetic Re-Birth…
“Learn the best, know the best – and then forget everything when you are face to face with the patient.”- C.G. Jung.
Everyone deserves a Energy massage session that’s just right!
From teachers around the world and having thousands of hours of Holistic Health sessions and various massage techniques and after over 21+ years of experience we carefully choose the most appropriate selection of therapies, bioenergy techniques, maneuvers and strokes, graduating the pressure, timing and the message of our touches, to Re-set the 4 rhythms of the physical body, restoring the Natural Harmony.
After living for so long in this hectic urban pace, this is felt like a Re-Birth ,
It consists in: clearing and aligning all of the energetic subtle bodies along the Hara Line. So your energy mental body, the emotional and the causal body gets in ballance, harmonise Auric clearing and replenishing with specific methods, as well as guided meditation a holographic sonic healing contribute to Health restoring. During the Re-Birth Treatment strives: “a maximum level of relaxation”, “pampering your very special well-being”, “a feeling simply unforgettable”, “releasing your life-long stress…”,“beautiful soul journey, beautiful smiles, beautiful life-changing touch…”
“At “Sanhira” we are looking forward to Re-set the Harmony inside you, by re-aligning the physical structure using postural alignment, and the major chakras as well as the not well-known ones, activating, opening and harmonizing them and as well as rebalancing your energetic bodies.
Realigning your True Self to the Divine Universal Self:
Repositioning The Assembly point as described by shamans is a Life-changing event.
Makes always everybody smiling as rediscovering their “true real smile”: from the eyes, from the heart, from the inside, as a deep reverence and recognition of the Divine within You…”
When willing to discover this marvelous way of being, the true Well Being, maybe to experience more energy, get unstuck from whatever repetitive situations, mental cliches or unhealthy habits /activities and let go the burdens and shadows which restricts your body to move freely and live happier, healthier, fulfilling your dreams & thrive it is the best choice for an appointment for our Re-Birth Treatment Session.
Let’s find the perfect way to set up an appointment and make it happen. At Sanhira Energy Healing Massage Bucharest Center we are committed to working together with you to understand your specific needs for every time you visit us and deliver our best of what your massage session can be. Our expert massage therapists customize their bodywork using a range of therapies,, Each treatment is focused on helping you attain your health goals, for what your body, mind and spirit needs. As many others before you experienced, your heart to be filled with Joy, Love and Gratitude. Some testinonials here.
Let’s start your Re-Birth Journey Treatment, together at each and everyone of your appointments by knowing each other with a brief consultation on which we discuss the goals and the intention of this Re-Birth Treatment Session. The discover the real causes, address them and reposition your Assembly point, this depending how much change you want to allow within you.
Rates are 77 Eur/60 minutes.
Usually it can last from 90 minutes to 150 minutes or… more.
You can be interested also how others experienced this life-changing energetic transformation, this Rejuvenating & Rebirth Journey session, read this
Live the change from Wellbeing to ..MiRaCles on your way
In LaK’ esh! (Mayan: Me is You!,
“I am another you” or “I am another yourself”)
* The Ancient Sanskrit Blessing “Namaste!“ means: “I bow to the Divine in you!”,
“The life in me sees and honors the Life in you!” or: “The Divine inside me salute the Divine inside you!” )
2 replies on “Rejuvenating Energetic Re-Birth”
Hi, hello
Dani, ne reintalnim dupa 2 ani si vreau sa iti multumesc pentru experienta frumoasa, pentru toate lucrurile bune si minunate pe care le – am invatat, pentru tot ce s-a deschis frumos, usor si toate proiectele si visele pe care le-am implinit apoi cu usurinta
, gratios, fara zbaterile anterioare, cand totul era cu mult efort si catre final, …aparea… cate o “Fata Morgana”, totul se naruia. acum, viata mea a devenit ca un zbor lin, pasii merg senin, e uluitor, multumesc!
Am primit asa de multa Lumina si lucruri noi in viata mea, cea Mai frumoasa experienta!
Imi Doresc sa pot descrie in cuvintele potrivite, pentru ca toti cei ce trec prin perioade dificile si “lucrurile nu li se leaga” sa faca o schimbare de prioritati, sa -si daruiascaD o binemeritata pauza, sa intre in interiorul lor si acolo vor gasi toate raspunsurile, toate intrebarile de care au fugit se vor ridica la suprafata si se vor arata solutii, clarificari, apoi, imediat apar rezolvarile, materializarile si ..uimirea ta, a tuturor care vor observa schimbarea la tine, in tine, in felul in care te percep; oameni pe care voiai sa-i gaseti, acum te cauta ei, eu traiesc acum un vis pe care-l tot intrerupeam, nici nu=mi dadeam voie sa-l visez pana la capat. Chiar a doua zi, toti cunoscutii cu care m-am intalnit mi-au atras atentia ca arat mult mai bine, mai tanara, chiar m-au banuit ca am facut ceva operatii estetice la tot corpul, in special la fata!
E o STARE, o cu totul alta stare, totul e mult mai CLAR> Despre starea asta in care te simti mult mai TU, mai INTREG! intelege Doar cine a fost, cine va veni acolo. Doar acestia care ajung in lumea magnifica a energiei mainilor tale, in interiorul ‘Coconului de Energie” SanHiRa stiu la ce ma refer.despre ce iti scriu.
I went here for an emotional release of an childhood trauma and I discovered is possible to unlock my full potential within me, after soooo many years of suffering of Depression, Sleep Dissorders, relationships crushing, narrow working opportunities, in one word, destroyed. Now I walk near my beloved and supportive boyfriend, I have the harmonised relationship I ever dreamed at, a job which is suited to my tallents, I create unique jeweleries for arabic women, I live in a country where sun is plenty and I fel stronger and Flexible, all is possible, I love my NEW LIFE!
I Cellebrate my Re-Birth at SanHiRa daily, starting my day with My MIRACLE Journal and a 15 minutes of pampering myself with fresh and healthy breakfast and some tao-Yin exercises for my back and … all is completelly delicious and I have a Luscious Lifestyle Program.
All because I dared to take a great decision and change my Life ASAP.
I trusted You, Miss Daniela, for the Guided Imaggery Meditation Sessions!
…and this is the best thing I ever did, thank YOu from the bottom of my heart.
Looking forward to meeting you again, for an up-to date worshop or …more, for new techniques i can implement in my daily routine.
I keep recommending and talking about this Experience and all the great events happened to me during ( and…mainly after!) our Journey.
Bright and shine…
Thank you from all my heart, you are a wonderful person, Miss Daniela.
From all my heart, manny Blessings to You,
*** now from U.A.E, Dubai