My Lotus Breeze- by Vicky
An Extraord
inary Feedback, an essay after her 6 sessions of Tailor- made Massage and Energy work, Crystals Therapy, Reiki, Guided Meditations and Sound Healing: My Lotus Breeze, by Vicky, from Belgium…

My visits to SanHiRa are as a Lotus Breeze – named after the delious tea I was offered there.
This experience came in my life like a breeze, blowing me in this direction without forcing,
allowing me to sprout as a Lotus-flower.
I wrote this text from my heart and I am very happy to could have shared my story with you. I hope
it will inspire more people to visit Sanhira Massage Center, which in fact is more than a massage
Last 5 years of my life have been hectic and a lot of changes have past in those 5 years. Going froma single city girl to a country-side mom of 2. Being pregnant 2 times in 3 years really exhausted myphysical body, I was dealing with instability of the pelvis and chronic backaches. Next to thephysical changes also mentally and emotionaly I had a difficult period. That is why I decided 1 yearago to start yoga practice with the 8 steps of Patanjali. It gave me some freedom on emotional levelbut still I could feel the physical blockages.By fortune I made a trip to Bukarest and my husband suggested that I would take a massage atSanhira… Of course I did not refuse. Without any expectations I went to SanHiRa Hollistic Center on a sunnywednesday morning. It was Daniela who opened the door for me and welcomed me with a warmembrace. Being at the massage center in the morning sun gave me a really good feeling thanks tothe consious decoration giving positve vibes to the settings. For me it was like arriving in heavenand I felt at ease instantly.Daniela and I discussed about what treatment would fit me best, but since I did not look at the menuI just talked about my physical boundries and the pain it caused me. This session took for about 4 hours:re-allignement of my bones, anti-cellulite massage, treatment of emotional blockages and Subconscious Mental ClicheesRe-programming, with some Reik ( Usui Reiki 1st degree, n.a.).Daniela warned me that after this season and all this workwith me, that my body in the next week could feel different and she asked me for some feedback.This is my mail with feedback after my first Sanhira experience:Hello Daniela,…Anyway I wanted to give you some feedback about our sesion.First of all I felt great, releaved and much stronger and flexible.After the sesion I sometimes had a tingling headacke at the left side of my head above the ear. Nowit sometimes appears on the other side. It was always only for about a minute or so.I also had a pressure at my sternum on the left side, this is now gone. Still it seems to be a heavyarea in my body.And sometimes my feet hurt right below the middle tow, sometimes at the left, sometimes at the rightside. but mostly left. it feels like the bones are getting off their place sometimes.This are all small issues, but I thought it was worthed to give you this feedback.Emotionally I am much stronger and do not have to cry often anymore.And sometimes, mostly during yoga practice or meditation, I see the light you told me to visualize.Good that you remembered me about my “smile” meditation, because I forgot to do it.I will now see how big a smile my liver has 🙂It is strange but I feel the urge to come back to Romania to do another session with you.Hope to see you soon,Namaste,VickySome days after writing this mail, my husband gave me the news he had to travel again to Bukarest.He tought I would be sad, because he would leave me and the children for some days. Instead Isaid: “I will join you” and instantly I arranged some babysitting for my kids and 1 week later I was in the SanHiRa Massage Center again in the careing hands of Daniela. As my last visit, again I waswelcomed with a generous heart, we took our time and chatted a bit about our experiences in lifethe last days. I told Daniela about my meditation on “purity” and what happened to me after myfirst session with her. Then we – I mean Daniela – started to work again, first with meditation: aheart chakra meditation. I can only tell you this: when I opened my eyes again my mind was calmand I felt like an energetic bubble of love. This trip to Bukarest I was at Daniela’s place for 2 and ahalf days full of: meditation, chicon ( Chi-Chung, n.r.) exercices, massages, re-alignement, chakra attunement, lessons about energetic stones and purity and some Reiki initiation ( Usui Reiki, 1st Dergree, n.r.).This time Daniela was able to adjust my spine, which had suffered from my pregnancies.After I felt featherlight and re-born, emotionaly and physically I felt like I could conquer the worldand I was ready to face any obstacle that may appear in my life.I believe this power came from therejuvenation of my heart, melting down the “cement” around it.Namaste!
at SanHiRa Alternative Therapies and Massage Center: Vicky ( student as Yoga Trainer at Tula Yoga Akademie, Belgium) meditating at Purity, before the last massage therapy session…
An Extraordinary Feedback, My Lotus Breeze, by Vicky, such a trully beautiful essay…
© By the courtesy of Vicky De Ceuster, to whom we express our Gratitude for this Lotus Breeze Essay and the photos was taken at Sanhira Alternative Therapies and Massage Center, Bucharest
6 replies on “My Lotus Breeze, by Vicky”
I’m writing this to say thank you for the amazing experience on my visit to see you.
As soon as I entered I was at ease and decided straight away to put myself completely in your hands.
The experience, knowledge, skill and professionalism you have goes above anything I have found anywhere in any country.
Years of pain, both mental and physical as well as stress lifted from my mind and soul and I felt like I was being reborn again.
Every aspect of my visit and treatment helped to relax and rejuvenate my mind, body and soul. My only wish is that I lived in Bucharest so that I could continue to see you on a regular basis as I know that it would enhance my life in so many positive ways.
Thank you again
Dearest Max,
thank you for writing this testimonial, this magnifies the results you already observed. Grattitude is the best healing and elevating expression of our spirit, as we are spiritual beings in a human body suit.
i am amazed by the profund sesnsorial ability you have, the freedom to express yourSelf and the aiming of elevationg continously.
I am so honoured to be contributing to amplifying your Light, your Truth, your inner Star and assisting youer Soul Journey home to Akasha, replenishing and bringing home pieces of your soul from people and places, spaces, dimensions, and seing you escorting all heaviness and used energies back to recycling, make room for new energies to nourish your Soul, Body and Spirit with Prana.
Life is always assisting us in our dreams sprouted from our heart, so I see your dream of continuing your visits here mmanifested sooner than we both can envision.
Universe is wispering & guiding the sailing of our heart boat, we just listen the voice inside, our inner compass ,-)
From my Heart, to Yours
Sailing & Singing Life’s Joy
Daniela SanHiRa
Dear Daniela,
I hope you are doing well. Finally I am having the time to leave a comment about the wonderful work you are doing and about the wonderful personality of yours!
A couple of years back, I needed a massage during one of the many tours I am doing with different artists around the world and I came across your homepage and called in for a massage. You have been very accommodating and the healing hands helped me to find back to myself and gave me strength and energy again to focus on my work and to become a better person.
I learned a lot and my Chakra’s have been in order again and I did find peace and quiet moments during the sessions.
I would like to thank you for the person you are and can recommend your services to anyone that is looking for healing and relaxation in their lives 🙂
Stay happy and healthy!!!
All the best for your future, I will surely see you soon again!
I came across this wonderful place during my journey of relaxation in Romania. Let me tell you this was one of my luckiest daya! Daniela is simply a truly wonderful soul. I was only looking for a good massage and Daniela provided so much more. My experience left not only my muscles feeling refreashed but also my spirt. Daniela has healing hands and a healing heart.
Hi Daniela,
finally I find the time to write you! It has been almost a year since I visited you. So I want to take this times of Christmas to be gratefull to have met you in this big world and
I want to thank you for everything you did for me and Tonny.
We are very happy and joyfull lately. And with my yoga practice I am deepening my insights in myself, and I see still some blocked energy especially in my emotional body.
I think about receiving love, is one of the most difficult for me now! Giving is no problem 🙂
Anyway, this will resolve itself easy as I will continue my practice daily. And so my body, mind and soul will become stronger and more receptive for love!
How is everything going with you and your love?
I wish you all the best: a very merry christmas and a happy, joyfull, lovely 2013 in perfect health and harmony!
( 21.12.2012 Vicky D. C. )
Dear Sanhira,
I woke this morning feeling positive , energised and happy. That is because of you and your magic hands. I feel physically much more comfortable and emotionally much more stable. Thank you so much for giving me your time and energy. Keep doing what you are doing and I hope to see you again soon for more therapy.
Be happy!